choose us

We believe that a caring discharge is the responsibility of every company in certain financial situations. This not only serves to help their laid-off employees but to send a positive message for their staying colleagues.

If you are interested in our outplacement services, please contact Zsuzsa Molnár-Szabó who has years of expertise in this field and can help you with your every question.

our solution

Our special consultants review the laid-off employees’ strengths, possible weaknesses and, if asked for, their foreign language skills during an interview at the beginning of the process. After a careful analysis, they give you a detailed description of the reviewed employees. We then follow up by personal career consultation where we help them find new positions as fast as possible with the knowledge of their potentials according to our review.

az outplacement folyamat menete

outplacement process

the benefits of the outplacement service.

get in touch

reach out to us.

In case you have any questions, we will be happy to help you find adequate solutions.

Gergely Pomázi

Gergely Pomázi

business development & commercial director

várjuk ajánlatkérését

ajánlatot kérek